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Shared Reading

We establish and support Shared Reading groups where they are needed, providing ongoing assistance to participants who value and actively engage in these groups.

Reading aloud in small groups and sharing opinions has multiple positive impacts on individuals. It enhances listening skills, promotes effective communication, deepens comprehension, fosters social connection, boosts confidence, broadens perspectives, and engages emotions. This collaborative approach to reading cultivates personal growth and enriches the overall reading experience.

Shared Reading Circles can facilitate:

Emotional Connection: It fosters companionship and empathy as readers engage with characters’ thoughts and feelings, alleviating loneliness and fostering a sense of belonging.

Cognitive Stimulation: Through active participation and critical thinking, shared reading exercises the mind, enhances memory, and combats the effects of isolation on cognitive well-being.

Social Interaction: Participating in shared reading activities, such as book clubs or community settings, provides opportunities for social connection, building relationships, and creating a sense of community.

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: Shared reading allows individuals to explore diverse perspectives, challenge beliefs, and gain insights into themselves and others, supporting personal development and self-discovery.

Improved Well-being and Mental Health: Shared reading offers an escape from daily stresses, promoting relaxation and mindfulness. Discussing books and shared experiences can boost mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being.

Lifelong Learning: Shared reading encourages intellectual growth and curiosity, exposing individuals to diverse ideas, perspectives, and cultural understanding, fostering a passion for reading and continuous learning.

Shared Reading enriches isolated individuals’ lives by providing emotional connection, cognitive stimulation, social interaction, personal growth, improved well-being, and opportunities for lifelong learning.

Books for All

Books for All aims to promote accessible libraries and reading spaces to ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal opportunities to engage with books and reading. By collaborating with partners and implementing various initiatives, the project seeks to provide books, establish inclusive libraries, support marginalised communities, and foster a culture of literacy and learning.


Provide a wide range of books suitable for all age groups and reading levels, ensuring inclusivity and representation.

Create welcoming and inclusive library environments that cater to the needs of diverse individuals, including those with disabilities, language barriers, and special educational requirements.

Focus on underserved communities, including low-income areas, rural regions, and marginalised groups, by establishing libraries and reading spaces that address their specific needs.

Develop engaging programs, such as storytelling sessions, reading clubs, and workshops, to encourage reading, creativity, and learning within reading spaces.

Provide professional development and training opportunities for book lovers to enhance their skills in promoting reading, conducting reading programs, and supporting diverse learners.

Conduct outreach activities and awareness campaigns to emphasise the importance of reading and safe reading spaces within marginalised communities.

Diverse Voices Libraries

We transform empty commercial spaces into community libraries that aim to celebrate diverse voices, challenge cultural biases, and foster inclusivity, and that prioritise literature from under-represented backgrounds.

At Diverse Voices Libraries, literature is used as a powerful tool for expanding minds, challenging stereotypes, and promoting understanding. These spaces actively seek out and curate an extensive collection of books authored by individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, ensuring representation of voices that are often under-represented in mainstream literature. By placing these works in the spotlight, we strive to break down barriers and provide an inclusive platform for these authors to share their stories and perspectives.

Diverse Voices Libraries serve as a gateway to different cultures, traditions, and experiences. Through the diverse range of books available, community members have the opportunity to explore the rich tapestry of non-white cultures, histories, and struggles. This exposure allows readers to develop empathy, cultural awareness, and a broader worldview. By embracing the cultural heritage of communities, the library has the potential to become a catalyst for intercultural dialogue and appreciation, a place of gathering and interaction.

By promoting, trading, and talking about books written by non-white authors, we provide a counter-narrative to the dominant literary canon and offer alternative perspectives. This encourages critical thinking, challenges biases, and nurtures a generation of young readers who are open-minded and culturally sensitive. The library also serves as a valuable resource for educators, offering diverse teaching materials and resources that align with inclusive curriculum objectives.

Diverse Voices Libraries actively address social inequalities by amplifying marginalised voices. By highlighting books written by global authors, we create a space that supports and uplifts under-represented communities. Through literary events, author talks, and workshops, we give a platform to local writers and aspiring authors from these backgrounds, fostering a sense of empowerment and encouraging the pursuit of literary aspirations.

A library that prioritises non-white authors becomes a gathering place where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together. It serves as a hub for community cohesion and interaction, fostering understanding, empathy, and friendships across cultural boundaries. Through book clubs, discussions, and cultural events, the library provides opportunities for shared experiences and the celebration of our collective diversity.

In conclusion, Diverse Voices Libraries stands for inclusivity, cultural appreciation, and the recognition of global voices. By promoting books written by global authors, we want to create a vibrant and enriching space that empowers, educates, and hopefully unites individuals from all walks of life. Diverse Voices Libraries embrace diversity and celebrate the power of literature in shaping a more inclusive and equitable society.

International Projects

In our commitment to fostering global literacy, we extend our reach beyond UK borders. We identify schools facing challenges due to a lack of high-quality educational materials, under-resourced libraries striving to provide essential resources to their communities, and regions grappling with low literacy rates. By sending books abroad to these areas, we aim to bridge educational gaps and nurture a thirst for knowledge. Each book we dispatch is not merely a story on a page; it represents an opportunity, a pathway to learning, and a brighter future for individuals and communities eager to embrace the world of words.

Whenever circumstances permit, we go the extra mile by providing complimentary literacy and librarianship training to our partners and collaborators in foreign regions. We firmly believe that books alone are not enough; the ability to navigate and make the most of these resources is equally crucial. Through these training sessions, we empower local educators, librarians, and community leaders with the essential skills needed to cultivate a thriving reading culture. By imparting knowledge in literacy and librarianship, we aim to create sustainable, self-sufficient learning environments that can continue to flourish long after our initial support has concluded. Our commitment extends beyond book donations; it encompasses the cultivation of literacy champions and the promotion of lifelong learning in communities around the world.